Wednesday, August 26, 2020


What is the terminologies in ethical hacking?

Here are a few key terms that you will hear in discussion about hackers and what they do:

1-Backdoor-A secret pathway a hacker uses to gain entry to a computer system.

2-Adware-It is the softw-are designed to force pre-chosen ads to display on your system.

3-Attack-That action performs by a attacker on a system to gain unauthorized access.

4-Buffer Overflow-It is the process of attack where the hacker delivers malicious commands to a system by overrunning an application buffer.

5-Denial-of-Service attack (DOS)-A attack designed to cripple the victim's system by preventing it from handling its normal traffic,usally by flooding it with false traffic.

6-Email Warm-A virus-laden script or mini-program sent to an unsuspecting victim through a normal-looking email message.

7-Bruteforce Attack-It is an automated and simplest kind of method to gain access to a system or website. It tries different combination of usernames and passwords,again & again until it gets in from bruteforce dictionary.

8-Root Access-The highest level of access to a computer system,which can give them complete control over the system.

9-Root Kit-A set of tools used by an intruder to expand and disguise his control of the system.It is the stealthy type of software used for gain access to a computer system.

10-Session Hijacking- When a hacker is able to insert malicious data packets right into an actual data transmission over the internet connection.

11-Phreaker-Phreakers are considered the original computer hackers who break into the telephone network illegally, typically to make free longdistance phone calls or to tap lines.

12-Trojan Horse-It is a malicious program that tricks the computer user into opening it.There designed with an intention to destroy files,alter information,steal password or other information.

13-Virus-It is piece of code or malicious program which is capable of copying itself has a detrimental effect such as corrupting the system od destroying data. Antivirus is used to protect the system from viruses.

14-Worms-It is a self reflicating virus that does not alter  files but resides in the active memory and duplicate itself.

15-Vulnerability-It is a weakness which allows a hacker to compromise the security of a computer or network system to gain unauthorized access.

16-Threat-A threat is a possible danger that can exploit an existing bug or vulnerability to comprise the security of a computer or network system. Threat is of two types-physical & non physical.

17-Cross-site Scripting-(XSS) It is a type of computer security vulnerability found in web application.It enables attacker to inject client side script into web pages viwed by other users.

18-Botnet-It is also known as Zombie Army is a group of computers controlled without their owner's knowledge.It is used to send spam or make denial of service attacks.

19-Bot- A bot is a program that automates an action so that it can be done repeatedly at a much higher rate for a period than a human operator could do it.Example-Sending HTTP, FTP oe Telnet at a higer rate or calling script to creat objects at a higher rate.

20-Firewall-It is a designed to keep unwanted intruder outside a computer system or network for safe communication b/w system and users on the inside of the firewall.

21-Spam-A spam is unsolicited email or junk email sent to a large numbers of receipients without their consent.

22-Zombie Drone-It is defined as a hi-jacked computer that is being used anonymously as a soldier or drone for malicious activity.ExDistributing Unwanted Spam Emails.

23-Logic Bomb-It is a type of virus upload in to a system that triggers a malicious action when certain conditions are met.The most common version is Time Bomb.

24-Shrink Wrap code-The process of attack for exploiting the holes in unpatched or poorly configured software.

25-Malware-It is an umbrella term used to refer a variety of intrusive software, including computer viruses,worms,Trojan Horses,Ransomeware,spyware,adware, scareware and other malicious program.

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