Thursday, January 9, 2025

Get Paid For Your Unused Internet Connection — Grass: Earn A Stake In The AI Revolution

Earn Cash from Your Unused Internet Connection

What is the purpose of Grass?

GetGrass is designed to enable the sharing of bandwidth via the Grass app, where users can receive Points as rewards for contributing their network resources. In the future, these Points could potentially be converted into cryptocurrency, offering users the chance to gain crypto by supporting the network. The platform's terms and conditions detail the regulations for app usage, such as age restrictions, registration necessities, and guidelines for responsible use.

You can refer as many people as you can

The Grass app aims to support open-source AI as a decentralized platform by offering a data layer and addressing data poisoning with a ZK processor and the Grass Data Ledger. Users have generally reacted positively, commending its potential and user-friendly interface. Nevertheless, there have been some criticisms regarding transparency and data security concerns raised by certain users.

JOIN Today HERE (referal link): (

Grass is a decentralized platform designed to enable users to generate passive income by sharing their unused network resources. It incorporates a ZK processor to track the origin of datasets collected on Grass, aiming to prevent data poisoning and enhance open-source AI. The Grass Data Ledger maintains a permanent record of all datasets collected, now enriched with metadata that traces their lineage from inception. Additionally, the platform includes a layer 2 solution to augment its functionality, featuring a sovereign rollup with a ZK processor that allows metadata batching for validation, thereby ensuring a continuous lineage for every dataset.

Sign up then download the Chrome extension. For optimal results, also log in across multiple devices.

Overall, offers a platform that allows users to receive cryptocurrency rewards by sharing their network resources and aiding in the growth of decentralized AI.


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Bloomberg - UTV

Must Watch...Ad may come initially.. wait for video.Also keep volume on


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