Monday, April 20, 2020

Vulnx V2.0 - An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector That Detect Vulnerabilities In Multiple Types Of CMS {(Wordpress , Joomla , Drupal , Prestashop ...)

Vulnx is An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector that detects vulnerabilities in multiple types of Cms, fast cms detection,informations gathering and vulnerabilitie Scanning of the target like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more ...
Instead of injecting each and every shell manually like all the other tools do, VulnX analyses the target website checking the presence of a vulnerabilitie if so the shell will be Injected.searching urls with dorks Tool.

  • Detects cms (wordpress, joomla, prestashop, drupal, opencart, magento, lokomedia)
  • Target informations gatherings
  • Target Subdomains gathering
  • Multi-threading on demand
  • Checks for vulnerabilities
  • Auto shell injector
  • Exploit dork searcher
  • Ports Scan High Level
  • Dns-Servers Dump
  • Input multiple target to scan.
  • Dorks Listing by Name& by ExploitName.
  • Export multiple target from Dorks into a logfile.

To do this,run a scan with the --dns flag and -d for subdomains. To generate a map of, you can run the command vulnx -u --dns -d --output $PATHin a new terminal.
$PATH : Where the graphs results will be stored.

Let's generates an image displaying target Subdomains,MX & DNS data.







NEW vulnx now have an interactive mode. URLSET


Available command line options
usage: vulnx [options]

-u --url url target
-D --dorks search webs with dorks
-o --output specify output directory
-t --timeout http requests timeout
-c --cms-info search cms info[themes,plugins,user,version..]
-e --exploit searching vulnerability & run exploits
-w --web-info web informations gathering
-d --domain-info subdomains informations gathering
-l, --dork-list list names of dorks exploits
-n, --number-page number page of search engine(Google)
-p, --ports ports to scan
-i, --input specify domains to scan from an input file
--threads number of threads
--dns dns informations gathering

VulnX in DOCKER !!.
$ git clone
$ cd VulnX
$ docker build -t vulnx ./docker/
$ docker run -it --name vulnx vulnx:latest -u
run vulnx container in interactive mode

to view logfiles mount it in a volume like so:
$ docker run -it --name vulnx -v "$PWD/logs:/VulnX/logs" vulnx:latest -u
change the mounting directory..

Install vulnx on Ubuntu
$ git clone
$ cd VulnX
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Now run vulnx

Install vulnx on Termux
$ pkg update
$ pkg install -y git
$ git clone
$ cd vulnx
$ chmod +x
$ ./

Install vulnx in Windows
  • click here to download vulnx
  • download and install python3
  • unzip in c:/
  • open the command prompt cmd.
> cd c:/vulnx-master
> python

example command with options : settimeout=3 , cms-gathering = all , -d subdomains-gathering , run --exploits
vulnx -u --timeout 3 -c all -d -w --exploit

example command for searching dorks : -D or --dorks , -l --list-dorks
vulnx --list-dorks return table of exploits name. vulnx -D blaze return urls found with blaze dork


I Am Not Responsible of any Illegal Use

Contribution & License
You can contribute in following ways:
  • Report bugs & add issues
  • Search for new vulnerability
  • Develop plugins
  • Searching Exploits
  • Give suggestions (Ideas) to make it better
Do you want to have a conversation in private? email me :
VulnX is licensed under GPL-3.0 License

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Bloomberg - UTV

Must Watch...Ad may come initially.. wait for video.Also keep volume on


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